Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just For Fun...

I saw this tag and thought it would be fun....

Use the first letter of your name to answer. They have to be real places, things, names...nothing made up! Try to use different answers if the person who tagged you had the same first initial. You cannot use your name for the boy/girl name question.

What is your name? Wendy
4 Letter word: Whip
Vehicle: WRX
TV Show: Wonder Years
Song: Watcha Want?
City: Winchestertonfieldville
Boy name: William
Girl name: Winona
Occupation: Welder
Something people wear: Waistcoat
Food: Watermelon
Something found in a bathroom: Water
Reason for being late: Wreck
Something you shout: Whatever!

Tag 3 people: Melanie, Holly, & anyone else who wants to do it :)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Great Job!!

I am so proud of my adorable husband!
He has been studying hard for a while now for a required certification test for is career. Well, he took the test today and received a score of 900 points...out of a possible 900 points!!
Way to go Babe!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The kids sat on Santa's Lap....

I know it's a while after Christmas...but as always, I am playing blogger catchup!

We took the kids to sit on Santa's lap.
Gunnar sang "All I Want for Christmas is my Two Front Teeth" and Santa laughed and told him he'd made his day!!
Santa asked Sienna if she'd been a good girl, and she looked at me out of the corner of her eye first (as if checking for my approval).

When I smiled and nodded to her, she perked up and said, "I've been a very good girl and I have been nice to my little brother."

Monday, January 19, 2009

Christmas Afternoon....

We went to my parents house on Christmas Day and ended up getting snowed in. It was a lot of fun to be able to spend all that time together.

Cute little Hannah Banana is such a sweetheart! I just love her smile and her cute personality.
And by the way...I am totally jealous of her gorgeous curls!
Gretta and Hannah are good friends....
Michel and Nolan manned the cameras - capturing all the festivities :)
"We are sexy manly men!"
Sienna, being the great helper she is, assisted Gretta in learning how to use her new skates.
My little Sienna bean is so cute - see how she is soooooo fashionable in her new Christmas hair ribbon!!
This day was the first time we met little Isaac! He is so stinkin' cute - I just wanted to snuggle with him the whole day!
Aunt Holly got some cuddle time too (practicing to hold her own baby boy - due any day now!)
And of course...EVERYTHING must go in Isaac's mouth for some taste testing!! Such a cutie!
He was very excited to open his gifts...
Hey! Who turned out the lights?!?!
Among other things, Gunnar was excited to get TWO brand new pairs of pants!! Without realizing it, Grandma Eileen and Grandpa Paul had bought him the exact same pants that Uncle Michel & Auntie Melanie had.
As Grandpa Paul worked on his present, Grandma Eileen gave Sienna a big "Thank You" hug for her gift.
Melanie and Kevin sharing a laugh
My super awesome superhero husband ... "Bug-Man!"
Later on Michel's "Rock Band 2" was busted out ....
And here is my Super Awesome Superstar Husband rockin' the guitar!
And here is super cute Grandma Eileen wailing on the drums! Go mom!!

We are so fortunate to have Michel and Melanie living here for the next few months! They drove across the country from New Hampshire, and arrived on Christmas Day. It was very apparent how tired Melanie was when we were downstairs talking later that night (around midnight). Either she was in mid-sentence or I was, when her head sank down and she fell asleep. It was only for a few seconds though, then she woke up and laughed when she'd realized what had happened.