Friday, October 5, 2007

My Husband and me

What is his name?
Nolan Bob
How long have you been together? 11 years! -holy crap!
How long did you date? 3 years
How old is he? 32 - he'll be 33 in December
Who eats more? It is pretty even...we both eat small meals more often during the day
Who said I love you first? He did
Who is taller? Nolan - by exactly 1 inch
Who sings better? We're pretty even on that one ... both have good ensemble voices, but solos are iffy
Who is smarter? Nolan [his level of genius is sometimes hard to take though :)]
Whose temper is worse? mine, but Nolan has definitely had his moments!
Who does the laundry? Me
Who does the dishes? Me mostly, but now that he is out of school, we are TRYING to even it out.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Me
Who pays the bills? Me,
Who mows the lawn? Mostly Nolan, but usually when he starts, I come outside and take a few turns.
Who cooks dinner?
Me mostly, but Nolan is a much better cook. He cooks for me on the weekends when I am at work, and those are always the really great dinners. He has actually taught me most of what I know...about cooking!
Who drives when you are together? Mostly Nolan, and he doesn't like it either. I've told him that it's just standard fare as a husband, and he doesn't agree.
Who is more stubborn? Nolan - but he'll probably try to say it is me and that is just not true! It's's's NOT!
Who is the first to admit when they're wrong? Me
Whose parents do you see the most? Probably mine by just a little bit. However, it is pretty even since both families live in Salt Lake.
Who kissed who first? Nolan kissed me.
Who asked who out? Nolan asked me.
Who proposed? Nolan proposed to me (down on one knee) in a boat out in the middle of Bear Lake, during the sunset of July 19th 1998.
Who is more sensitive? Probably me, but it really depends on the topic
Who has more friends? I think I do - he is friends with spouses of my friends too though so it kinda evens it out.
Who has more siblings? It is even - he has 2 brothers and 1 sister, and I have 3 sisters.
Who wears the pants in the family? We both wear pants :) (Nice save, whoever I stole that from!)
Now, who to tag? Holly & Nolan...since they are the only other people I have links with!


Melanie said...

You didn't like "toledo?" Batman would be offended.

Fun list!

Rabble-rouser said...

I think we are pretty even on the friends!